Why originally did I start this blog. Well you see the is I have trouble with letting go of things, so I gathered a lot, hoarding a lot from my past and it's time to let go. Time to declutter which I know is going to be the hardest part.
I'm going to try and use my grandmothers philosophy 'if you don't use it in 12months, out it goes'.Oh gosh what have I started?
My plan is each day I do some decluttering I will write about. I hope I won't bore you all to death!
I actually found it quite easy to get rid of things. The things I was mainly getting rid of was paper and card board, the things I guess I've collected because I have thought I would use - maybe one day you never know if you may need it. My grandfather was like this but his obsession was with wood, sadly I never got to meet him.
I also found I had some bits for the local charity shop, which I was naughty and held onto the items until after Christmas. Also I took thirteen bag's (yep I know it seems a lot thirteen) went up to the local recycling....
Aren't people are weird! Don't mean it in a bad way, but I found while I was up the recycling place.. People just looked and stared or watch! Maybe they are just very sad and have no life!
Anyway enough about that for now...